Prof. Iulia Dumitrachescu organizeza un curs gratuit pentru studentii la medicina din anii terminali - "Course in Doctor- Patient Communication for Medical Students".
Perioada cursului se suprapune intregului an scolar 2009-2010, fara vacante, iar orele se vor tine vinerea, intre orele 17:00 si 19:00.
Se pot inscrie zece studenti.
- Introduction to Communication
- Developing Language and Communication Skills for the Patient Encounter
- Receiving the patient
- The presenting complaint
- Past medical and family history
- Social history
- Telephone consultations
- Examining a patient
- Giving results
- Planning treatment and closing the interview
- Dealing with sensitive issues
- Breaking bad news
- Interviewing Different Patient categories: Communicating with challenging patient. Communicating with the elderly. Communicating with children and adolescents.
Cursul de comunicare medic-pacient in engleza pentru studenti se va tine la sediul WESTRON SCHOOL...
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